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Сколько надо кирпича на дом 120 кв м

How much brick is needed for a 120 sq m house:

Calculating the required amount of bricks for a house of this size is not difficult. For instance, if the brickwork is done with a thickness of 2 bricks and a single brick material is chosen, then 204 bricks will be needed for every square meter of brickwork (with seams considered). We subtract the total size of all openings: 120 sq m — 12 sq m = 108 sq m.

  1. How many bricks are needed for 1 sq m — table
  2. How to calculate the required amount of bricks for a 120 sq m house
  3. Tips for purchasing and using bricks for brickwork
  4. Conclusion

How many bricks are needed for 1 sq m — table

One square meter of brickwork contains: for half brickwork — 61 pieces, and with seams taken into account — 51 pieces for a single brick, 45 pieces and with seams taken into account — 39 pieces for one-and-a-half brick, 30 pieces for double brick.

How to calculate the required amount of bricks for a 120 sq m house

To calculate the number of bricks needed for a 120 sq m house, we need to multiply the number of bricks needed for 1 sq m by the total area of the brickwork.

For a single brick, we need 204 bricks per sq m with seams taken into account. Multiplying this by the total area of the brickwork gives 22,032 bricks needed for the entire project.

For one-and-a-half brick, we need 176 bricks per sq m with seams taken into account. Multiplying this by the total area of the brickwork gives 19,008 bricks needed for the entire project.

For double brick, we need 120 bricks per sq m with seams taken into account. Multiplying this by the total area of the brickwork gives 12,960 bricks needed for the entire project.

Therefore, the total amount of bricks needed for a 120 sq m house depends on the type of brickwork chosen:

  • For single brickwork — 22,032 bricks needed
  • For one-and-a-half brickwork — 19,008 bricks needed
  • For double brickwork — 12,960 bricks needed

Tips for purchasing and using bricks for brickwork

  1. Buy extra bricks: It's always a good idea to buy extra bricks in case they break or become damaged during brickwork.
  2. Choose quality bricks: Always choose quality bricks for the best results — low-quality bricks can crack easily and lead to costly repairs.
  3. Be mindful of brick size: Keep in mind the size of the bricks you choose and how they will fit together for the best results.
  4. Hire professional bricklayers: While brickwork may seem like an easy DIY project, hiring professional bricklayers can ensure that the project is completed correctly and efficiently.
  5. Don't forget about mortar: Don't forget to factor in the amount of mortar needed for the project, as this is a crucial component of brickwork.


Calculating the amount of bricks needed for a brickwork project is an essential step to ensure that the project is completed without any delays. By following the tips for purchasing and using bricks, brickwork can be completed efficiently and effectively. Don't forget to factor in the amount of mortar needed for the project and consider hiring professional bricklayers for the best results.
